Appreciating our Doctors on “Doctor’s Day”!
Happy Doctor’s Day!
Happy Doctor’s Day!
This month, and today especially, Fairfax Neonatal Associates, P.C. would like to recognize all the babies born too soon. Share your story to spread awareness of the 1 in 10 babies that are born prematurely.
By Tara Murray, NFS Program Coordinator Babies born even just a few weeks too soon can face serious health challenges and are at risk for lifelong disabilities, such as cerebral palsy, lung problems, and vision and hearing loss. Every year, in the United States, 1 in 10 babies is born prematurely. Every year, worldwide, 15
Having three premature babies changes your life. Our story began in January of 2007 when my husband and I learned we were expecting our first child! At the initial 8-week check-up we saw our baby’s heart beat for the first time, and were given a due date of September 8th, my husband’s birthday! Unfortunately at
Dr. Stephen Spurr, a specialist in neonatology at Fairfax Neonatal Associates, proposes an initiative aimed at quality improvement in the Fair Oaks NICU during the Vermont Oxford iNICU “Choosing Antibiotics Wisely” core webinar. Throughout the presentation, which addresses an international audience, Dr. Spurr discusses the need to reduce unnecessary sepsis evaluations and antibiotic exposure to infants.
Each year at Inova Children’s Hospital we celebrate the children that have graduated from the neonatal intensive care unit at the NICU Reunion. This year was exceptional thanks to the wonderful weather and the new outdoor venue. Watch our Instagram and Facebook pages for more pictures and tag yours with #ichfnanicureunion2017 so we can
Thank you to everyone involved in Sunday’s March for Babies in Reston, Virginia. Despite the unseasonably cold weather, it was heartwarming to be with all to hope, remember, and celebrate! We applaud our community and their support of the March of Dimes’ efforts to help babies born too soon and their families in need. #marchforbabies #marchofdimes
UPDATE 2/1/17: Our phones are now working. Thank you for your patience! Our offices are currently experiencing telephone difficulties. If you receive a busy signal, or your call does not go through, please try again. If you are unable to reach an individual using a direct dial number, please call the main line and transfer
March of Dimes visits the FNA Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Inova Children’s Hospital. Joining Dr. Robin Baker, neonatologist and President of FNA, are Stacey Stewart, President and Paul E Harris, MD, Deputy Medical Director of the March of Dimes. Ms. Stewart is the newly selected president of the March of Dimes effective January